July 30 (Thursday): Zhenbiao Yang (UC Riverside)
Signaling in Cell Development
Lecture 1: Methods in plant cell biology
Lecture 2: The cytoskeleton: function and regulation
Lecture 2: Signaling mechanisms for cell polarity formation
Lecture 3: Signaling mechanisms for cell shape formation
July 31 (Friday): 1 Juan Dong (Rutgers University)
Stem Cell Regulation in Plant Development
Lecture 1: Introduction to stem cells in plant development
Lecture 2: Tools to study plant development
Lecture 3: Molecular mechanisms for plant stem cell regulation
Lecture 4: Asymmetric cell division in stem cell self-renewal and differentiation
August 1 (Saturday): Wen-Hui Shen (CNRS, France)
Epigenetic mechanisms in signaling of plant development
Lecture 1: Epigenetics, Chromatin structure and dynamics
Lecture 2: Maintenance of plant genome/epigenome integrity
Lecture 3: Epigenetic memory in flowering time control
Lecture 4: Variant PRC1-like complexes and plant cell fate determinacy
August 2 (Sunday): Xingwang Deng (PKU)
Genomic analysis of plant development
Lecture 1: Plant Genomic Approaches I
Lecture 2: Plant Genomic Approaches II
Lecture 3: Genomic analysis of plant development I
Lecture 4: Genomic analysis of plant development II
August 3 (Monday): Chentao Lin (UCLA)
Light regulation of plant development
Lecture 1: Plant Photoreceptors I
Lecture 2: Plant Photoreceptors II
Lecture 3: Light control of developmental decision I
Lecture 4: Light control of developmental decision II
时间:7月30日-8月3日,上午8:30-12:00 ,下午14:00-17:30
地点:北京大学 二教101
联系人:崔维维 联系地址:北京市海淀区北京大学生命科学学院,100871
电话:010-62753018 email: pyc@pku.edu.cn
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